Guv PB Acharya Visits Bomdila Craft Emporium

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Shri P.B. Acharya, who was recently on a five-day tour to West Kameng District visited the Craft Emporium, Bomdila and interacted with officials, craft masters and trainees.
Impressed by the craft works and to promote the spirit of ‘Skill India’, the Governor has instituted Awards in the names of eminent personalities for outstanding trainees of the Craft Centre. Every year, two best trainees, i.e. outstanding one boy and one girl from the institution will be given the award.
One more award will be given to the best Craft masters.
The Governor has sanctioned an amount of 1 (One) Lakh from his Discretionary Grant, which will be kept as fixed deposit (FD) in the joint account of the Deputy Director, Textiles, Handloom and Handicrafts and one officer of Raj Bhavan. The annual interest will be used for the award purpose, which will be in kind.
An appreciation certificate for each award winner will be given from Raj Bhavan. The awards will be in the memories of Guru Padmasambhava, Rev. T.G. Rinpoche and Hrusso (Aka) King Taghi Raja.
The Governor has also sanctioned an amount of Rs. 1 (One) Lakh for renovation and construction of Hostel for girl trainees as out of the 43 trainees, which includes 28 (Twenty-eight) girl trainees are staying in private rented houses paying high rent. He also appealed to 1st Class contractors to come forward to help to have a good hostel for girl trainees. Governor emphasized that young trainee girls should be taken care as guardians and such they should not be made to find out private accommodation during the training.
The Governor met the representatives of NGOs, public leaders, business community and contractors of the Bomdila Town and asked them to contribute towards construction or renovation of girls’ hostel for craft trainees under Citizen Social Responsibility.
It may be recalled that the Governor has already instituted award for three best students in fourteen Government Colleges of the State to encourage the students towards academic excellence, sports and performing arts in eminent personalities and at the same time, to remind them of the distinguished individuals, who have rendered their valuable services in the State and country.
The Governor has also instituted awards for outstanding students of Puroik Community and an amount of Rs. 2 (Two) Lakh is kept in fixed deposit as corpus fund for the purpose. The Governor has instituted (One Lakh) Special Awards to Raj Bhavan Employees children also.