Gorkha Festival Bhai Tika declared Restricted Holiday in Assam

Government of Assam has declared Bhai Tika (Bahtri Dwitya) celebrated by Gorkhas nationwide and across globe as Restricted Holiday as per the communication received from Chief Minister’s Office to the Chairman of Gorkha Autonomous Council Demand Committee (GACDC).
Dr. Kashyap Prakash, Office on Special Duty to the Chief Minister, Government of Assam in a telecommunication to Harka Bahadur Chetry informed that the Government of Assam has decided to declare Bhai Tika on 1st November 2016 as Restricted Holiday to enable Gorkhas of state to celebrate the festival in their own way.
It may recalled that GACDC had submitted Bhai Tika special memorandum in Dispur to the Chief Minister through Commissioner & Secretary, Home & Political Affairs and Etc.
Bhai Tika being one major festival celebrated by the Gorkhas of state along with the greater Assamese society the GACDC had demanded it to be a state holiday followed by same demand raised by All Assam Gorkha Students Union.
Speaking to this correspondent Harka Bahadur Chetry, Chairman, GACDC said, ‘It is matter of contentment that Bhai Tika henceforth has been declared as Restricted Holiday for 2016 and is coming up with official notification through appregension surrounding Bhatri Dwitya as Restricted Holiday have been raised now and I look forward it to be a State Holiday as demanded by GACDC and AAGSU so that besides the Gorkhas the entire Assamese society can celebrate it and spread message of brotherhood and strengthen community relations thereby enabling prosperity and growth of Assam together.
On behalf of people of Assam I want to thank the Chief Minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal, his cabinet, Chief Ministers’ Office and specially madam L. S. Changsen Commissioner & Secretary Home & Political Affairs, Government of Assam for her active administrative participation in making it happen and confirming it to me over telephone.
Gorkhas of Assam slept last night with a good news that they will be able celebrate Bhai Tika this year with applying for full fledged proper leave like every year and woke up to see social media flooded to see with this news.
However the students and youths wants the Government to make the notification public instead of a declaration as testimony.