Assam: ‘A journey into the microuniverse’

Guwahati- Department of Physics, RSAPS is organized a webinar on the topic “A Journey into the Microuniverse” on 14th July, 2020 with Prof. (Dr.) Amarendra Rajput, Royal Global University, Guwahati, Former Professor, Dibrugarh University, Assam & Haramaya University, Ethiopia, as the guest speaker of the webinar.
The interactive session was joined by Prof.(Dr).S.P.Singh, Vice Chancellor, RGU, Dr.Devika Phukan, Deputy Dean, RSAPS & HOD-Physics, Academicians, faculty, staff and students of RGU as well as from across India.
Prof. Rajput explained micro-universe as non invisible universe in the sense that it consists of sub atomic particles, molecules, nucleus, and nuclear particles. The physicist tried to understand about its characteristics and behaviour of this transparent universe.
He added that in order to study this micro-universe, Newtonian or classical physics will be inadequate. So we have to look forward for new type of mechanics. Quantum mechanics took 30 years to complete this concept. It is because of QM for which we are there or we can say, there is a quantum universe within us.
He has given an example of classical particle. He has shown the equation, F = m d2r/dt2, and once we know what is the force acting on the particle, we can solve it to determine the position as a function of time and that gives the time evolution of the trajectory of the particle.
He showed the black body radiation spectrum and said that this is an experimental phenomenon and could not be explained by classical laws of physics. This could only be explained by Max Planck.