Arunachal Pradesh Chief secretary Satya Gopal and DGP S B K Singh has been transferred. The new posting of Satya Gopal is Govt of NCT, Delhi and S B K Singh will be the new DGP of Mizoram. Naresh Kumar, Chairman NDMC, Govt of NCT, Delhi Will be new Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh.
New Delhi
Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh Satya Gopal been transferred to Govt of NCT, Delhi and Naresh Kumar, Chairman NDMC, Govt of NCT, Delhi posted as the new Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh. An order to this effect has been issued by the Union Home Ministry.
Satya Gopal is an 1988 Batch IAS officer and Naresh Kumar is an 1987 batch IAS officer. Both officers are belongs to the AGMUT (Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram and Union Territories cadre).
According to a another order issued by Union Home Ministry, The Director General of Police (DGP)of Arunachal Pradesh S B K Singh been transferred and posted as the DGP of Mizoram.
DGP of Mizoram Balaji Shrivastava been transferred and posted as the DGP of Puducherry.
The present DGP of Puducherry , Ms Sundari Nanda is transferred and posted as DGP of New Delhi. She has been the DGP of Puducherry since July last year.
All three DGPS are of 1988 batch IPS officer and belongs to the AGMUT (Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram and Union Territories cadre).