Arunachal: Mega Solung festival celebrated at Tezu

Solung, the festival of Adis was celebrated with much zest and gusto at Tezu today
The Solung festival celebration was earmarked by glimpses of various cultural performances of different tribes of Arunachal with a motto to showcase unity in diversity.
Speaking on the auspicious occasion as Chief guest, Dr Mohesh Chai, Minister (AHV, Agri, Horti, Fisheries, Sports and Youth Affairs) extended warm greetings of Solung to all the people of Arunachal and the Adi community in particular.
He lauded the efforts of the Adi tribe in preserving their culture and tradition. The newly constructed cultural hall at Giidi Notko (festival ground) was inaugurated by the Minister.
A booklet of Adi poems ‘Yenam Abang Baali’ authored by Toyom Pertin, AE (PWD), Tezu was also released by Dr Chai.
Deputy Commissioner, Karma Leki, who attended the program as a Guest of Honour also spoke.
Earlier, Tamo Ketan, Secretary Solung festival celebration, Tezu welcomed everyone and spoke briefly on Solung mythology.
The program concluded with mega ponung dance followed by community feast at the Gidii Notko.