
Tarh Tarak flagged off  Expedition team to Langatata & Rayung Dumchop




Tarh Welfare Society (TWS)  in yet another innovative move in the service of our beloved brothers of yangte circle have chosen to scale the highest mountain peak of Kra Dadi district located just above Yangtze circle. Tarh Tarak, General Secretary of TWS  flagged off  the 50 members Expedition team to Langatata & Rayung Dumchop

It must be mention here that ” The mythology behind this sacred twin mountain peaks standing tall have deeply rooted with Tarh clan since time immemorial. The  fore fathers of Tarh like Abu Tarh and Abu Tahu and their offspring  pay homage to this mountains which are known as Langatata and Rayung Dumchop .

These two high mountains are believed to be the dwelling place of good spirits which have protected the Tarh clan in all odds since hundreds of years.

Tws have decided to explore and expose to the world the hidden floras and Fauna’s that are still preserved and protected in the deep unreachable jungles that could attract tourist from all over the country and the world.

In collaboration with the native brothers of Yangte circle Tws have organized first ever an expedition and trekking team to Langatata and Rayung Dumchop mountains today with more than 50 members which was flagged off by  Tarh Tarak  on Friday at  Yangte.

It is reported that these two peaks height is above 9000feets from sea level the highest peaks in entire kurung kumey and kra Dadi districts. Also from these peaks entire kurung kumey and kra Dadi cirles are visible.

If these two peaks could be developed and listed as tourists hots spots and Yangte could be in tourist circuit maps.

Tws with your cooperation will venture out to facilitate our moral support to the people of yangte in all possible manner.


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