Itanagar: IRBn colony in Jully facing acute water supply problem

IRBn Headquarter and its colony located at Jully in capital complex is facing acute water supply problem since a long time.
The 3rd IRBn and 4th IRBn Headquarter and its colony located at Jully in capital complex is facing acute water supply problem since a long time.
The water supply provided by the PHED is insufficient and hardly meet the normal requirement said the family members residing in the colony. Despite the several request the concern authorities are also not serious to solve this problems, alleged resident of the colony.
4th IRBn Commandant Nengkar Tamin while inform that the scarcity of water supply have always been there. Earlier there were two bore well apart of normal PHED water supply which are being connected near the Raj bhawan delivery point. One Bore well is out of order while other is also nearing in bad condition.
We have tried to repair the damaged one, but would incur huge amount and would breakdown again. It is better to dig a new Bore well.
Home Minister Kumar Waii have recently assure to take care of water and power supply of the Battalion Headquarter of 4th IRBn and subsequently we are looking for quotation and soon we will submit a proposal for construction of at least Two new Bore well to PHQ and then to government for approval and sanction.
It must be mention here that the area measuring around 340 Acers and infrastructure was handed over by Urban Development & Housing Department to the Police department in the year 2013 .
At present the police department have been maintaining the area as well as infrastructure but the basic facilities like over head water tank, play ground, school, garden, game zone and place for physical exercise and others are yet to be developed.