several Bye-laws of Nyishi Elite Society has been simplified in it’s Sixth Extended Executive Body Meeting held at Jullang .
The Sixth Extended Executive Body Meeting of Nyishi Elite Society (NES) was held under the Chairmanship of Bengia Tolum, President NES on Saturday, the 8th December 2018 at NES Secretariat.
In this meeting the Bye-law of Nyishi Elite Society tabled by the Bye-law Review Committee Chairman, Tarh Tabin taken up and passed by voice vote with minor additions and deletions.
Among the major changes, new articles, namely, sessions and conference under Article (17), Finance and Accounts under Article (18), Code of Conduct under Article (19), The Anthem under article (22) and Oath of Affirmation under article (23). Major overhauling of the under the articles covering, Functions of District/Regional and Block Units were added in addition to existing article (20) and the total article of constitution of NES is now (25) articles from (20) articles. The membership under article (6) has been simplified.
Re-numbering of the articles were also effected due to the major overhauling. The charter of duties of the office bearers has also been defined. In addition to existing posts in the District/Regional and Block level two posts each of Coordinator Women and Youth were created.
Other than the proposed amendment vetted by the executive body, the house took a major decision to elect the President only in the general conference-cum-election and rest executive body including the General Secretary to be constituted by the President in wider consultations.
While initiating the discussion Bengia Tolum, urged the House to thoroughly examine the reviewed articles submitted by the Bye-law review committee as we are going to decide which direction the future of society will move and whatever, decision taken will be the guiding principle of NES. He also announced that we are fortunate to hold the NES extended executive body meeting in our own NES Namlo (NES Secretariat) for the first time and appreciated the huge gathering for their participation in the meeting.
Later the President appealed all the members to contribute for construction of NES secretariat as per their ability to pay and assured that every paisa of contribution made for the said project will be accounted and shall be made public after completion of Secretariat.
In the meeting, Tapu Gapak, first Indian Forest Service (IFS) of the community and former NES President had contributed his two months salary for construction of NES Secretariat and Smt. Tarh Yaku, former Secretary, Education NES and Yumlam Kaha,former Secretary, Protocol, NES also contributed their one month salary respectively. Further, Kumar Waii, Minister, Home, UD etc, Pani Taram, MLA, Koloriang, B.R Wahge, MLA, Pakke-kessang and Pai Gyadi, social activist also announced to contribute for construction of NES Secretariat.