DC Prince Dhawan in an executive order ban all kinds of human activities including Picnic, bathing, washing clothes, etc near WTP at Senki View.
By Manoj Singh
Capital district administration has banned all types of human interference in Water Treatment Plant area located at Senki View which was making pollution at the upstream of the WTP and also loss of several life in the area.
Capital Deputy Commissioner cum district Magistrate Prince Dhawan on August 21 in an executive order vide order No-DM/ICC/01/2018 hereby ban all kinds of human activities including bathing, washing, picnic parties, etc near Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at Senki View, Itanagar with immediate effect.
The order said that for the safety and security of WTP, local residents and prevent the human interference and to save the life and property, the immediate preventive measures need to be taken up to contain such activities neat WTP the DC cum DM have ordered for total banned with immediate effect and issue direction to Itanagar Executive Magistrate and SP capital to act upon.
The order was passed after this reporter raised this issue of Individual, organisations, and locals .
The locals have been rising the issue since long as the water of the river in upper area are becoming dirty by visitors taking bath, using bleaching powder, washing clothes, organising picnic, late night party and throwing of alcohol, cold drink bottles and plastic in the area and creating nuisance and on some occasion there have been law and order problems.
Some section of people have been demanding for ban due to loss of several precious life of youths due to late night party and unwanted elements venturing at the river side.
These activities are the cause of water pollution and contamination of drinking water intake point on Senki river.
The team of officer from Capital district administration led by EAC cum Executive Magistrate Hengo Basar, OC PS Tabi Bage inspected the area and assess the ground reality and arranged sufficient security to guard the area and prevent human interference near WTP
Capital SP Incharge Tumme Ammo said that it is good gesture that the people of Itanagar have come up and demanded for safety and security of the WTP.