
Arunachal: Lumla facing acute crisis of drinking water

Cloud bust damages water supply sources in Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Lumla  facing acute crisis of drinking water.


The Lumla area of Tawang district is facing acute crisis of drinking water  after damaging of several drinking  water supply sources after cloudburst  followed by heavy downpour on August 19 last.

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As per the information the Water supply structures like Headworks and pre-Sedimentation tanks at all the nine Water Taping Points (WTP) of the three stream sources have been destroyed. Turbulent streams washed away structures and G.I pipes which are reportedly untraceable.

“Temporary restoration works are on in war footing despite minimum available resources in the Sub Division. However for a permanent restoration and complete rectification, Government aid is highly sought”, Er. Tumba Ingo, Assistant Engineer, PHED & WS, said.


Arunachal: Lumla facing acute crisis of drinking water

“The department at present, is unable to provide potable water to the consumers of entire Lumla Township and its periphery and Kharteng village as our WTP remains cut off from all the feeder sources. Water tankers have been engaged for supplying water to colonies and villages with assistance from GREF”, he added.

Arunachal: Lumla facing acute crisis of drinking water

Meanwhile, Lumla ADC has been appraised of the calamity and a detailed report of the damages estimated at Rs 2 crores( approx.) has been submitted by the water supply department.

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