
Arunachal: Six Day Refresher Course for “Coaches and Instructors of Sports Authority of Arunachal and Directorate of Sports” concludes

Itanagar:   Centre of Excellence, MYA&S, GoI, Department of Physical Education, RGU Doimukh concluded Six Days Refresher Course for “Coaches and Instructors of Sports Authority of Arunachal and Directorate of Sports” on 5th September, 2020 through the Zoom Platform, all coaches and instructors working under Sports Authority of Arunachal and Directorate of Sports participated in this course. The Inaugural programme was held on 31.08.2020 and inaugurated by Prof. Saket Kushwaha, Vice Chancellor, RGU.

Renowned experts from across the nation delivered their lecture on various topics related to Sports Science, High Performance Sports, Coaching Philosophy, Psychological Aspect of Performance, Female Athletes and Management of Sports Injuries which were delivered by Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sinha, Former Sports Scientist, SAI, Kolkata, Prof. Abhimanyu Singh, HoD, Physical Education, BHU, Dr. Sanjeev S. Patil, SAI, Trivandrum, Siddartha Srinet, Sports Officer, Prithvipur, MP, Dr. K. P. Manilal, Senior Scientific Officer, SAI, Bangalore, Dr. Saju Joseph, Scientific Officer, SAI, Bangalore, Dr. O. P. Mishra, Former HoD, Sports Science, Swarnim Gujarat Sports University, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Prajapati, SAI, Trivandrum, Mrs. Mridu Sharma, Sports Psychologist, Mr. Thefukolie Punyu, LNIPE, NERC, Guwahati, Dr. Kakali Goshwami, Dr. Tadang Minu, Dr. Sambhu Prasad, Dr. K. Rojeet Singh and Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh for RGU

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The day one started with keynote address on the “High Performance Sports and Role of Sports Science, Science and Technology in Management of HPS”. Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sinha revealed that high performance sports is highly competitive sports that require appropriate coaching along with full fledge support of sports science. As without scientific support players can’t achieve the performance that can help them to win medal at international tournaments like, Olympic, Commonwealth Games Asian Games and World Championship.

One day two experts enriched the knowledge on Coaching Philosophy, Management of Training Load and Periodization in sports. Session started with discussion on coaches’ role in different dimensions and why a coach should be better manager to manage the personal and professional problems of his trainee athletes.

While in the 2nd session management of training load was discussed with coaches where they learned about training load and its effect on player’s performance. If it is manipulated adequately it may lead to increased performance but if it over suit the trainee capacity it may cause deterioration in performance. In last session of day two Periodization, its different components and principal of planning was discussed.

The day three rolled on with discussion on doping and ergogenic aids. Coaches had lot of misconception about use of different banned substances by WADA. It was discussed that player as well as coach should have at least basic concept of doping that may protect their trainees from being banned.

While in 2nd and 3rd session Resistance Training Planning was discussed. Expert discussed about different forms of resistance training, equipments used in resistance training and principles of resistance training. They explained that resistance training is base of strength development that is base of all motor components.

The fourth day began with a lecture on psychological aspects of sports performance. It is mental toughness that play important role in performance along with technical and tactical training and it should be part of training at every level. While injury management was discussed in 2nd session as injury is a common phenomenon in sports and it should be mange properly with help of experts otherwise it may hinder performance of player and may lead to end of player’s carrier. Biomechanical analysis of running in the last session where experts revealed proper pattern of running may enhance performance and faulty technique may consume more energy and may lead towards injury.

Fifth day started with discussion on female athletes as female athletes has specific physiological requirements and that should be managed properly with help of concern expert as due to menstrual cycle female lose more hemoglobin and they are more prone to be suffer from osteoarthritis. So coaches should efficiently manage their diet, training and mental aspect also.

While talent identification for future performance is pivotal role of coaches and administrators and they should adopt scientific approach to that. If real talent will identified at right time and groomed with proper tarring that may be true future prospect for country. Management of stress, anxiety and aggression was discussed in the last session as stress is ingredient of tournaments, players should learn to take it positively. While aggression is also important factor of performance but if it is used by players in controlled way.

On the final day experts discussed about relevance of Speed Training and Endurance Training in different sports and at different level of performance. Experts discussed about different means and methods to develop these two important motor components of sports performance. Motivation is one of the significant aspects of sports performance at every level of sports participation, experts discussed how motivation is important for coaches as well as their trainee athletes and players.

Participating coaches and trainers shared their views about this refresher and all of them anonymously appreciated the effort of SAA. The refresher concluded with the concluding remarks from Dr. Anil Mili, Chairman of the Organising Committee. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh, supported by Dr. Tadang Minu, Dr. Rojeet Singh and Dr. Sambhu Prasad as Joint Coordinators. Gumnya Karbak, Director, Sports Authority of Arunachal expressed his gratitude to Department of Physical Education, RGU for their support and hosting this Six Day Refresher.

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