Arunachal: Chowna Mein inaugurates Aruna Shiksa Niketan School

The Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Chowna Mein on Friday inaugurated the Aruna Shiksa Niketan School in presence of MLA Namsai Chau Zingnu Namchoom, DC R.K Sharma and Abbot of Mahabodhi Monastery Ven Panyaloka Thero at Jona III.
Later in the evening, DCM Mein accompanied by MLA Namsai Chau Zingnu Namchoom, DC R.K Sharma and Abbot of Mahabodhi Monastery Ven Panyaloka graced the Poi Buddha Maha Diksha Samorah at Jona III (Borbeel) village in Namsai district on Friday.
The two day conference was organised by the United Bhogamur Buddhist Welfare Society (UBBWS), Jona III where people from different walks of life from various villages from Namsai and nearby districts participated enthusiastically and with great devotion. The Buddha Maha Diksha was given by Arunachal University of Studies, Professor Venerable Pragyasila Bhikkhu.
In his address, Mein said that by putting into practice of Buddha’s basic teachings in our daily lives we can make our world a little bit better and nicer place to live in.
He lauded the praiseworthy efforts of the Tai Ahom community of Juna III, who despite facing many hardships, maintaining the sanctity of the Buddhist temple constructed in temporary makeshift place in the village.
To the thunderous applause of the large number of devotees, Mein announced to provide all necessary support for constructing of a proper Buddhist temple in the area.
Parliamentary Secretary Planning etc and MLA Namsai, Chau Zingnu Namchoom said that temples are a place of learning and there is no age bar for keeping, learning and accepting the Buddha’s teaching.
He appealed the Deputy Chief Minister to provide necessary fund for early repair and maintenance of PMGSY road in the area which are in dilapidated condition.
He also announced to provide necessary support from his end for construction of the temple and providing electricity in the temple at the earliest.
Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein accompanied by MLA Namsai Chau Zingnu Namchoom, DC R.K Sharma also inspected the under construction bridge over Jenthu river including construction of Namsai to Jaipur road and New Jenthu to Jona-III.
Earlier during the day, the Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein also participated in the death anniversary of Late Khekanti Deori at Mahadevpur- I where he paid homage and floral tribute to the departed soul.