AAPSU organises workshop on challenge faced by women

A one day workshop on issues and challenges faced by Women of Today world at Arunachal Pradesh; which was first time organised by the All Arunachal Pradesh Student union (AAPSU) women wing at the DBYC campus, Vivek Vihar led by the Kipa Yanu general secretary cum organising chairman.
The purpose of the workshop was to discuss various issues and challenges faced by the women in the state and how to tackle the various issues and with the theme “Aids is preventable but not curable” to educate the younger students. The students of Community college and Gyan Ganga School were invited for the participation and interaction at the workshop.
Various prominent women who broke the steroid and mark a place in the society attended the workshop to enlighten the students; where Karya Bagang, Parliamentary Secretary, Industrial, Textile, Handloom & Handicraft, and Government of Arunachal Pradesh graced the moment as the chief guest, Jarjum Ete, President of Indian Council for Child Welfare, Arunachal Pradesh acted as Moderator of the sessions.
The host of distinguished speakers and resource person such Mitali Namchoom IAS special Secy. to Education spoke on the self-enlightenment, while Kago Asha CDPO of women and child
Government of Indian schemes and Changing of Mind set was stressed by Tadar Mepung.
Wherein, Legal Provisions were highlighted by Advocated Nikita Dangen and Sex Education was emphasised by Tashor Pali, Deputy Director (IEC).
Earlier, Bengia Mupu, Convenor of Women Wing of AAPSU highlighted aims and objectives of the conduction of the workshop.