
Itanagar- No Parking Zone at Bank Tinali


Itanagar Traffic Police today started to maintain No Parking Zone in Bank Tinali area to facilitate free flow of the traffic and get away from cognisant.

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Itanagar Traffic OC G Ette said that on the direction of the higher authority and direction of District Magistrate the No Parking Zone is being started, he said that there are two benefit of making No Parking in Bank Tinali specially from Try junction of Bank Tinali to Hotel Anne which will allow the heavy rush of traffic coming from either Niti Vihar and Ganga side and Naharlagun and Gandhi Market side for its free movement, the other benefit is that the driver/vehicle owner want to park their vehicle in Bank Tinali should avail the facility of Parking lots located there, the parking lots is a facility constructed by Urban Developed department and now used by IMC..

Ette further appeal the local citizen to obey traffic rule for convenient of one and all.

Meanwhile City SP, Dr. A Koan also visited the area and appeal the denizens of capital complex to obey traffic rule for safety and security of vehicle, passenger in vehicle and others who are travelling on roadside and other vehicle.

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