Arunachal: State government is working for revamping the hydropower sector- Balo Raja

ITANAGAR: Arunachal Pradesh state government is seriously working to revamp the hydropower sector in the state, stated Balo Raja, Advisor Government of Arunachal Pradesh department of power and hydropower department. He was addressing officials of Hydropower development Corporation of Arunachal Pradesh Limited (HPDCAPL) during its 14th foundation day.
“The recent visit of secretary power, government of India is step in this direction. Everyone will have to work as team in order to truly realize the hydro potential of the state,” said Advisor Raja. He said he will play the role of bridge between HPDCAPL and Chief Minister and the department to expedite the important projects.
The Chairman cum Managing Director (CMD) of HPDCAPL Toko Onuj informed that corporation is now concentrating on small hydro power projects. “These projects takes less time and do not affect the environment. We are planning such project in all the districts of the state so that every district is power sufficient,” said Chairman Onuj.
He also shared that HPDCAPL’s first 3 MW project at Zemithang under Tawang district will be commissioned soon. “Even though it has not been formally inaugurated the power supply to Tawang district has already been started from Zemithang,” he said.
The corporation is further planning to open more offices to expand its base. “We don’t want to concentrate activities only in district. We are planning to open branch offices in Tawang, Daporijo and Yachuli to expand the activities,” said Onuj. The CMD also shared that DPR of 17 projects is ready and corporation is looking for funding source.
We also exploring feasibility of such small power project in few other pockets of state so that all the areas of state get the benefit of the corporation in any eventuality. Survey and investigation for such project has already been started in Pakke Kessang and Upper Subansiri district and hope the corporation could do better than before and sough cooperation from all stake holders.
Among other several top officiasl of the corporation and Hydro Power Department among other officers and staffs were present on the occasion.