Arunachal: Skill Training Programme on Scientific Pig Farming concludes at KVK Namsai

trainees were visited to exotic pig breeding farm, Tezu, Lohit and field of progressive farmer practicing Pig-fish-Rice integrated farming system in Namsai district.
A 6 days long skill training for rural youth (STRY) on scientific pig farming has been successfully concluded at KVK Namsai in association with State Agriculture Management & Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), Arunachal Pradesh & National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE) with the objectives to transform the information into the gainful employment opportunity by unemployed young youth in the thrust area of ‘scientific pig farming’.
During the programme, trainees imparted knowledge on present status of pig farming, its scientific management including breeding, feeding, housing and health management. The total programme was comprised theory and practical classes.
During the practical classes trainees were trained to formulate concentrate feed with locally available materials, housing design, general health care of pig, balance feeding using locally available material, castration, clipping of needle teeth etc.
All the trainees were visited to exotic pig breeding farm, Tezu, Lohit district and field of progressive farmer practicing Pig-fish-Rice integrated farming system in Namsai district.
At the end valedictory programme was graced by Col. Vikram Nalawade, Madras Regiment, Gunanagar, Col. (Dr.) Ivan Singh, 166 Infantry Battalion, Assam Rifles, Lathao and Mr. SK Jawal, ADF, Namsai as Chief Guest, Guest of Honour and Special Guest.
This programme was designed under the leadership of Dr Santosh Kumar Scientist Animal Science & Course Director, 15 trainees were successfully participated with this pledge to start the pig farming scientifically and profitably.