
Arunachal: 11 best teachers from Diyun Circle conferred with Commendation Certificates by Changlang Dist Admin

DIYUN-   Today on the occasion of Republic Day program held at General Ground, Diyun, the Changlang District Administration conferred the “Teacher Commendation Certificate” to 11 government and community teachers selected for their exemplary work in their respective work domain ranging from showing improvement in literacy and numeracy levels of their students, adoption of classroom transformation initiatives such as making classroom print rich to non-tangible criterion, notably ‘sincerity and dedication’ under the ongoing Foundational Literacy and Literacy Program (FLN) partnership with the implementation NGO partner, India Foundation for Education Transformation (IFET).
The program was graced by his  Samlung Mossang, MLA of Diyun-Bordumsa Constituency, who himself took the honours in giving away the awards to the teachers. Each selected teacher was honoured with a commendation certificate validated and signed by the District Commissioner, Mr Sunny K Singh himself, under whose helm and personal initiative, the coveted prize was co-created with India Foundation for Education Transformation.
It may be noted that earlier during his surprise monitoring visit to goverment schools, Mr Sunny Singh spoke about the incentivisation plan for teachers wherein he promised to award the teachers for their hardwork and delivering performance. Through the award, the rationale is to raise the esteem of teachers who are at the heart of our education system by acknowledging and appreciating their hardwork and dedication which often go unnoticed in the public eye.
The best Teacher Award was conferred to Ms. Sangeeta Pangyok, a govt teacher at Govt Primary School, Innao Singpho.  The most sincere teacher award was received by Mr. Mikshum Khimhun of Govt Primary School, Kamakhyapur.  Indong Nong Singpho of Govt Upper Primary School, Balupather has enabled the highest improvement in Literacy in his school among all the govt schools in the administrative circle while Besing Tabing of Govt Primary School, Shantipur has shown 2nd best improvement in literacy.
Punseng Cowlik of Govt Upper Primary School has recorded the highest improvement in numeracy and he was conferred the best teacher award in that category. For the category of Best Print Rich Classrooms, Sukhita Munglang of GPSModoideep Upper and Jyoti’s Gogoi of GPS Avoipur were selected.
Best SMC appointed full time teacher awards were conferred to four community teachers – Ms. Pooja Deori of GPS Sompoi, Ripin of GUPS Jyotipur, Priti Mukhi of Jyostnapur GUPS and Bashi Mohan of Shantipur GPS.

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