Teachers are the second mother and nation builder said State BJP president Tapir Gao while attending as chief guest in the felicitation ceremony of the “Best Teacher Award” organized by CT University, Punjab here in Itanagar.
Gao, while Salute the Teachers and said the teaching line or teachers job is not a small or easy job. Teacher’s job is also on the mission mode for social and nation building and this job is not to earn money. If any teacher thinking that he / she came to this job to earn money then he/ she is one wrong job he added.
Stating Teachers are the second to mother, Gao said when a child ground up the child has been handover to teacher and the child learn everything from the teacher. Teacher has capacity to motivate make child to a good human being.
He advice the teachers should provide knowledge to children reading, writing, arithmetic and also the information technology. Because today is days of information and technology. He also asked teacher should teach the children about drugs abuse and discipline driving within class room.
Congratulating the all awardees, Gao said this awards are giving you for your hard works, social service and for nation builder, he added.
While appreciating the CT University for this teacher awards, he said this great creativity to encourage the people especially Teachers of the Country.
While attending guest of honour in the occasion Higio Aruni, IMC former Chief councillor cum Vice President of BJP City Mahila Morcha, appreciated the CT University for organizing such kinds of programme for teacher to encourage the teachers of both privet and government, who is doing great works to build the children. And said in our state, the State government is awarding only government teachers but there is many privet teachers who is doing very hard works to build the children.
Around 70 teachers from different Schools of Arunachal Pradesh were felicitated on this occasion. As per recommendations of the principals of respective schools. Who perform well in academic and other co curricular activity.