Itanagar: Two days training for IHIP trainers concludes

Two days State level workshop cum training for trainers on ‘Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP), held at Dorjee Khandu convention hall, which was organized by State Surveillance Unit, National Health Mission (NHM), directorate of health services Naharlagun concluded here today.
Senior advisor for division of data analytics from Word Health Organisation (WHO), Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy gives special training to the trainers on Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) required review and re-design the IDSP surveillance system.
The re-prioritisation of the list of diseases under the IDS, assessing the need for collecting more epidemiological data for action must be explore to contribute towards more the people, he added.
State surveillance Officer (ISDP) Dr. Lopasang Jampa give power point presentation on several needs of initiative, survey and investigation on several victor borne disease and any outbreak of any disease for analysis and record keeping for further requirement in giving treatment to the patients.
Trainers which include district surveillance officer, data Manager, data operator, epidemiologist, and a contractual staff from twenty district were given training while five more district will be included soon. He said.
Our target is to reach upto the village and all these survey and works will strengthened the health care system and can be viewed in a one blackboard.