
I will work to actualize the dream of state govt to make Arunachal Pradesh a rising state- CS

Implementation of government vision, plan, policies and programme will be my priority-Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar.



Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar while interacting to the media persons at his office today stated that his top priority is to implement the government vision, plans, and policies at the earliest.

“Every government has their own vision and plans, and I will give my best effort  will be to actualize the dream of the present government to make the Arunachal Pradesh a rising state,” he said.

He also stated that the state has a lot of potentials for development like hydro power or tourism, beside that horticulture and agriculture sectors also have huge potentials for the growth of the state.

He  stressed on the importance of road connectivity for the overall growth of the state. “Arunachal is the north as well as east of the North East region, and for better communication among the denizens road communication is pertinent for all sort of development,” he added.

He further called for the support of the denizens to take the state forward and to implement the vision of the government effectively.

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He also said that focus will be given to health and education sectors. “Giving the geographical pattern of the state, education and health sector are needed to be given attention” he added.

Calling for collective approach to bring development in the state, he said that his approach will always be towards collective efforts for more effective results. He further said that proper coordination among coordinating officers can bring out more fruitful result that what an individual can do.

He also inform that he called upon the governor and chief minister and discussed on various issues.

Chief Secretary further added, that progress and development is only possible if there is sincere effort and dedicated approach of officers and workers with all stake holders of state and appeal all section of society for coordinated effort for all-round development of state.


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