
Arunchal: Chakma-Hajong issue should be permanently resolved- organisations

ITANAGAR- Rejecting the proposal of relocate the Chakmas and Hajongs outside the State of Arunachal Pradesh,the five major Chakma & Hajong Community Based Organizations (CBOs) demand that the long-standing Chakma-Hajong issue should be fully and permanently resolved at the earliest by providing full rights as Indian Citizens in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

These five organisations are  Committee for Citizenship Rights of Chakmas and Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh (CCRCHAP), Chakma Rights & Development Organisation (CRDO), Arunachal Pradesh Chakma Students Union (APCSU), Chakma Youth Federation of Arunachal (CYFA) and the Chakma Women Welfare Society (CWWS).

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In a joint press statement these organisations  stated that, ” we have taken strong note of the Independence Day speech (15th August 2021) of Chief Minister  Pema Khandu , wherein he stated that his Government is in active discussion with the Government of India for shifting of the alleged “illegal migrants” among the Chakmas out of Arunachal Pradesh and that Chakmas cannot be allowed to stay in the state because they are non-tribals” .

The statement further stated that ” We have also taken strong note of the subsequent statements made by our beloved Union Law Minister  Rijiju on different occasions including in public gatherings and TV interviews that Chakma and Hajong communities will be shifted out of Arunachal Pradesh in consultation with the Central Government”

Reacting on the statement of Union Minister  Chakma and Hajong  organisations stated that ” the delegates of Chakma and Hajong communities had attended a high level meeting on 20th February 2020 at Itanagar in which  Amit Shah, Union Minister for Home Affairs. In that meeting, the issue of shifting or relocation of the Chakmas and Hajongs from Arunachal Pradesh was never discussed. In fact, the entire discussion was focused on finding permanent and amicable solution to the Chakma-Hajong issue within the territory of Arunachal Pradesh.

Further they stated that ” The CAA does not apply in the State of Arunachal Pradesh and especially to the Chakma and Hajong communities as the CAA is meant to recognise the illegal migrants who came to India as on 31.12.2014. Since the Chakmas and Hajongs had been legally settled by the Government of India in consultation with the local authorities during 1964-69, the CAA is not applicable to them, either positively or negatively.

Chakma and Hajongd bodies also  demand that the Government of Arunachal Pradesh restore all the rights and privileges to the two communities (Chakma and Hajong) which they had enjoyed earlier such as government jobs, ration cards, panchayati raj rights, etc. until arbitrarily and illegally taken away by the State Government since 1980.

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