
Arunachal, NBK appeals SIC (Vig) to speed up inquiry process over PMGSY road from Komsing to Sissen village

PASIGHAT  ( By Maksam Tayeng )- The Nugong Banggo Kebang (NBK) of Siang district in a press statement today has appealed to the Special Investigation Cell (Vigilance), Itanagar to speed up the investigation and inquiry over the issue of delay in completion of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) road from Komsing to Sissen village.

NBK General Secretary cum Chairman of PMGSY Komsing to Sissen village road construction delay issue, Tanyong Taloh has alleged that the investigating agency (SIC) is not launching and speeding up the investigation on the road issue despite the report being sent to SIC from Dy. Commissioner, Siang District. Taloh has said that the Technical Committee constituted by Siang District, Dy. Commissioner had visited the PMGSY road construction sites on 18th October 2021.

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“Despite the passing away of 4 months after the technical committee visit of the under-construction PMGSY road no visible outcome of investigation is found. Therefore, the public of Nugong Banggo area strongly appeals to the SIC (Vig), Itanagar to speed up the investigation so that responsibility could be fixed against the concerned department and road construction firm to complete the road construction while also rectifying the low standard and poor construction”, added Taloh.

It is to mention here that, SIC (Vig) had directed the Siang District administration to constitute a committee to visit the road construction site and submit their report. After certain delays in the process, the Siang District Administration had finally submitted its report to the SIC in December last. It is important to mention here that, NBK has been reiterating its earlier allegation leveled against the M/s Ragiku Enterprise for delay in road construction and that too without following the original DPR. “Such substandard construction work will lead to damage of the road during monsoon season and the villagers of Nugong Banggo will face the hardship again,” added Taloh while appealing to the authorities concerned to monitor the quality construction also.

The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched by the Govt. of India to provide connectivity to unconnected habitations as part of a poverty reduction strategy. And Komsing to Sissen village road construction was sanctioned under PMGSY scheme of central government to end up the bottleneck road communication issue under Nugong Banggo villages under Siang district where good and motorable road are still a distant dream for many villagers despite rest of the country and state celebrating 75th years of India’s independence and receiving the fruits of developments.

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