
Arunachal: GPM Opens night school for illiterate villagers at Kangkong

ROING-  ( By- Maksam Tayeng )- While showing a noble and  voluntary initiative to the people across Dibang Valley and the state as a whole, a Gram Panchayat Member from Kangkong village segment-2 opened a Night School (popularly called- Adult Education) today at Kangkong village,  some 23 km from district HQ Roing near Assam-Arunachal boundary.

The Night school (Adult education) was opened today at Kangkong village by DDSE Lower Dibang Valley,  Deepak Tayeng and SDO Parbuk,  Mamata Yadav in the presence of Gaon Burah, Kangkong village,  Ataram Dameng.

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As per Raja Tayeng, GPM Segment-2 of Kangkong village,  there are several village women and men who can’t read and write. So seeing their condition and their willingness to read and write, I volunteered to open the school for larger community interest, informed Tayeng.

In the night school some 36 women, 22 men and 11 boys (mostly domestic helpers) will get the benefit of adult education/school and the night school will cover other 4 more villages like Katan, Kalek,  Daran, Kangkong santipur etc besides Kangkong village, added Tayeng who as a Gram Panchayat leader doing his best for the welfare of villagers.

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Meanwhile,  DDSE Lower Dibang Valley,  Deepak Tayeng,  SDO Parbuk,  Mamata Yadav, IAS and Gaon Burah, Ataram Dameng have deeply appreciated the noble cause work of Raja Tayeng and they opined hope that the night school will be helpful to many who are deprived off from basic formal education.

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