
Arunacha: Skill training on Goat Rearing & Management Concluded  at KVK Anjaw 


A 6 days long skill training for rural youth (STRY) on Goat rearing & management has been successfully concluded at KVK Anjaw in association with State Agriculture Management & Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), Arunachal Pradesh & National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE) with the objectives to transform the information into the gainful employment opportunity by unemployed young youth in the thrust area of ‘Goat rearing & management’.

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The training was inaugurated at ICAR-KVK, Anjaw by  the gracious presence of ADC Hayuliang Miss Ayushi Sudan, Executive Engineer PWD, Anjaw Mr. S.S. Singh and Senior Veterinary surgeon Dr. P.S.G. Singh, Hayuliang.

Miss Ayushi Sudan,  shared her view that due to lack of education and scientific skill, goat owners are not able to fetch the good amount of money from their livestock production. Therefore, such type of skill training programme has immense need to motivate the farmers to adopt improved goat husbandry practices, with a small investment on housing, proper feeding and sound disease control programme the rural youths can profitably utilize their time and labour in goat industry and thus can help to generate  employment.

During the practical classes trainees were trained for selection of goat, to formulate concentrate feed using locally available materials, breeding, housing design and health care of Goat. To improve the body weight gain and increase the meat quality practical demonstration on castration, vaccination and deworming was conducted.

Indigenous traditional knowledge is more important in remote and difficult terrain, hence, practical classes on Indigenous traditional knowledge used for deworming and ticks management, seasonal disease in goat husbandry was  demonstrated.

At the end valedictory programme was grace by ADC Hayuliang Miss Ayushi Sudan, D AHV & DD officer Dr. AK Sinha and Mr. Shibasis Bhattacharjee ADA, Hayuliang and training certificates were awarded to all 15 participants.

This programme was designed under the leadership of Dr Manish Kanwat, Sr. Scientist & Head conducted by Dr Santosh Kumar Scientist Animal Science (Course Director) and Mr. Naveen Kh. SMS Agronomy.

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