Skill Arunachal Conclave cum exhibition Concludes

The first ever one-day Skill Arunachal Conclave-cum-Exhibition was held at State Banquet Hall on Saturday under the aegis of the Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.
Addressing a huge gathering on the occasion as Chief Guest, Agriculture Minister Wangki Lowang said that the Chief Minister Pema Khandu was taking a keen interest in the line of the steps initiated by the visionary Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to create a Skilled India. Lowang said that the youths of the State had not learned the gainful and useful trades from outsider whereas they had picked up all the vices like alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking and so on and so forth.
He opined that the youths of the state should be trained to the masonry, carpentry, haircutting and other such trades that could provide the youth of the state with gainful employment opportunities in their own state. The minister urged the experts to explore some mechanism to equip the youths of the state with practical skills. They should percolate down to all the youth of the state irrespective of urban or rural areas to free them from perpetual mind-set of dependence and spoon feeding culture.
In his speech the guest of honour Parliamentary Secretary Skill development Jambey Tashi while describing the conclave as an important platform to create awareness on skill development opportunities being imparted by the concerned department and agencies, emphasised on dignity of labour and said that no job post is high or low. He emphatically said that the youths of the state must be skilled and well equipped to face the harsh realities of life efficiently and stand on their own feet. While appreciating all the stakeholders for participation in the skilled development of the youths, Tashi said that such an effort would make the huge force of unemployed youths employable in various trades. He further said that the youths of Arunachal Pradesh are no less than others in inherent talents adding that what they required was to sharpen the rough edges in them and urged them to take full advantage for the skill development programmes being provided by the state government and the Government of India.
In her keynote address, Madhu K. Garg , Secretary, Skill Development threw light on the working population around the world and said that India had the largest youth forces who could be trained properly in skill development to utilise their services gainfully that would go a long way to build a strong and vibrant country. While dwelling at length on the activities of skill development and entrepreneurship department the secretary highlighted on the functioning of the department and underscored the importance of exposure of the youth to various vocational livelihood schemes that would enable the youth to get absorb in various jobs in the country.
Earlier, in his PowerPoint presentation the Director of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Subu Tabin spoke on the scopes, challenges and useful schemes being implemented by the department for the youths of the State. He said that the basic objectives of the department was to improve the income generating capacity of the youth to enable them earn their livelihood. The Director said that educated unemployed youths are trained in various trades across the country by highly trained subject experts which had helped many youths of the State in getting jobs all over the country. He however lamented that the youths of Arunachal who were already trained were reluctant to work in other States so they come back to their own state to seek employment. He thanked all the participants especially the dignitaries and the resource persons for their active participation in the conclave.
Representatives from MSDE/NSDC/NSDA/SSC/TPs gave PowerPoint presentation and highlighted their activities in empowering the youths of Arunachal Pradesh.
Industry Minister Tamiyo Taga, Parliamentary secretary Mama Natung, Chairman Gabriel D Wangsu where present among host of other invitees.
The technical session was conducted by the subject experts from different disciplines.