Itanagar: Admin issues traffic advisory in connection with repairing Borpani bridge

NAHARLAGUN- The capital administration today issued traffic regulation advisory in respect of under repairing and maintenance of the Borpani bridge over river Pachin in Naharlagun township.
The Itanagar capital Deputy Commissioner Komkar Dulom in an order issued this afternoon said that an order for regulation of traffic at Borpani Bridge was issued vide this office order of even No. dated 5th March’2021 for replacement of expansion joint and correction of deflection of the Bridge. But a massive traffic jam has been witness and the agency is also facing difficulty in executing the work properly.
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The Highway executive Engineer, has requested vide letter No.NHD/W-37(A)/2020-21/Camp-lta Dated 11/03/2021 for regulation of traffic over the Borpani bridge during the process of replacement has reviewed the modalities of maintenance work and working schedule on 9th March’2021 and requested to issue a revised order for traffic regulation which was necessary for smooth repairing and maintenance and strengthening of the bridge. The DC said.
All types of traffic movement shall be completely closed from 9 PM to 6 AM (Night Hours) from 11th March’2021. During the said period all vehicles movement from Itanagar to Naharlagun and vice versa shall be diverted via Yupia road. The traffic will be opened for light motor vehicles only from 6 AM to 9 PM (Day Time) from 12th March’2021. The DC said in the order.
The movement of all type of Heavy Vehicles is restricted from 9 PM of 11th March’2021 to 6th April’2021 or till completion of curing period. All Heavy Motor Vehicles shall follow Yupia/Doimkukh road for movement between Itanagar and Naharlagun and vice versa. DC said.
A banner has to be displayed on both end of the bridge so that the commuters also know the timing and date while security has been placed during the period. The DC further said.