Field Visits of RKMMS Team in Manmao

R.K. Mossang Memorial Society ( RKMMS ) team under NERCORMP visited at least 8 villages under Manmao Block to monitor the different schemes given by NERCORMP to the NaRM-Gs (Natural Resource Management Group). They have visited the Manmao, Walangtoi, Renuk, Sinwang, Sasum-I, Sasum-II, Hetman, Tengman.
The team of R.K. Mossang Memorial Society visited Walangtoi and Manmao village, where scheme taken by Walangtoi NaRM-Gs was 19th unit of Low Cost Latrine and they found the that work is completed by them.
in Manmao, 1 unit of Low Cost Latrin and some non-farm activities like Tailoring, Carpentry and Electrician schemes were given to Manmao NaRM-Gs.
The team moved from Manmao village to Sinwang village. There the activity was Low Cost Latrine 1 unit, piggery 3 unit and Arecanut.
From there team also visited Renuk village after marching a long distance on foot. Activities in Renuk village i.e. Piggery, Spices Crop and Masonry unit after monitoring the activities in Renuk village, they we move towards Sasum-I, activity was Canal construction and 1 unit of Low Cost Latrine.
Staffs stayed in President NaRM-G, Sasum-I residence. On 16th evening they had reached Sasum-II village activity was 1unit of Low Cost Latrine and other was non farm sector i.e. Rice Mill. After monitoring it the team moved Hetman village where activity was 14 unit of Low cost latrin and 1 unit of piggery.
on 19th morning the team moved from Hetman towards Tengman village to monitor the construction of village road and 2 unit of Low Cost Latrin. On 21th October they ended their visit and moved towards Head office Jairampur.