CM sets deadline for completion of Abotani Colony Bridge

Arunachal CM Kalikho Pul today visited the construction site of the RCC Bridge between Abotani colony and Niti Vihar, fixing April 24 as the deadline for work completion. He said the bridge serves as an alternate route during the emergency and peak hour providing de-congestion of traffic load from NH-415.
The construction for the bridge over Yamaso stream, at an estimate cost of Rs 250 lakhs, was started in 2014 and had been delayed for two years.
Regretting the undue delay, the Chief Minister called up PWD officials and the ontractor inquiring on the current status.
It was informed that due to delay in payment to the contractors, the work on the bridge could not be continued. The chief minister was informed of the hard-earned money invested by the contractor party, who sought support from the government.
Sensing the urgency for immediate completion of the bridge, the Chief Minister assured all financial and administrative help at earliest, so that paucity of funds do not impede early completion of the work.
The Chief Minister, however, issued clear instructions that if the construction fails to complete within the stipulated date, there would be no payment thereafter.
Also he instructed the bridge to be ready for inauguration by April 28, which would be inaugurated by chief minister himself.