
Arunachal : Poi Potwa Panchong (Pavarana) 2018 celebrated at Chongkham 

First Combined Poi Potwa Panchong (Pavarana) 2018  celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety at Chongkham on Wednesday .


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People from different villages joint to celebrate the First Combined Poi Potwa Panchong (Pavarana) 2018 with religious fervor and gaiety at Chongkham today.

The Poi Potwa Panchong is celebrated every year by the Theravada Budhist Community after the completion of three months Rainy Retreat (Varshavasa) in every villages as per their custom. However, the Buddhist Community of Namsai district including those residing in Diyun and Miao Circles of Changlang Disrict have decided to jointly celebrate the festival centrally in a particular village every year in rotation. The Arunachal Pradesh Bikkhu Sangha (APBS) will decide the venue of celebration every year.

Arunachal : Poi Potwa Panchong (Pavarana) 2018 celebrated at Chongkham 

The specialty of the ceremony is offering of Buddha’s statues to the Monastery/Temple as a ‘dana’ and also in cash and kinds to the monastery as a virtue of generosity by the family. The offering is used for the maintenance of the monasteries/temple, to fulfill the needs of the Monks serving in the Monastery and also for imparting education and teachings to the children in the temples.

Poi Panchong (ceremonial procession carrying image of Lord Buddha around the Buddha temple), illumination of candles in the evening and release of wish balloon (Poi Poong Phai) are the added attractions of the festival.

On the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein, MLAs Chow Tewa Mein and Chau Zingnu Namchoom, Deputy Commissioner Namsai, Dr Tapashya Raghav and ADC, Bijay Talukdar participated in the celebration amidst the peoples from all walks of life.

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