Arunachal: Mass Public Meeting regarding alteration in school nomancluture & shifting of Deli Peji School

ZIRO- The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Yachuli, the DDSE Lower Subansiri, Zilla Parishad Member Yazali,ToKo Babu,Tabia Chobin and Gem Taje convened a mass public meeting regarding alteration in school nomancluture & shifting of Deli Peji School from Kuch-Kut Village.
A mass public meeting was held today which was also joined by Block Education Officer Ziro-II,Taba Nepa,Thasi Thongdok Circle Officer Yazali, Nangram Kayum ,DPC ISSE/SSA and Chukhu Epa,BRC Ziro-II Block.
The ADC and the Dy. Director of School Education, Lower Subansiri both carefully examined the public grievances coming out of the debate placed before them at the time of interacting with GBs of adjoining villages.
Babu, Chobin and Taje also checked the feasibility of school location and nomenclature of the school.
During his short visit and by observing the pathetic condition of CGI Sheets of Govt.Residential school,Lich-Lit. Further ADC,Yachuli assured to donate Rs.1,50000/ from his untide fund for immediate relief before the summer vacation.
The DDSE Lower Subansiri in his short speech said the fund allocated under CMSSY 2019-20 is supposed to be allocated for need based schools only.
He also highlighted the infrastructural development in schools would be based on enrollment of the students.
At last while interacting with public and GBs of adjoining villages, ADC Yachuli, Babu expressed his emotional matrimonial attachment of this four villages to him as he is well aware of the geogrophy and history of Kuch-Kut and Delipaji village.
He said shifting and change of nomenclature of school would not yeild any fruitful outcome.The feasibility of land at Kuch-Kut is perfect in a long run.He was also adamant in recommending for shifting of school at any cost.He also quoted “As is where is basis”.
Further Gem Taje, ZPM Yazali apprised the ADC,DDSE Lower Subansiri and other staffs of the mass public meeting held for a noble cause.