ALGs needs to be upgraded for civilian use in Arunachal- Pul

Chief Minister in his meeting with Naveen Verma, Seceretary and BN Prasad, Director, DONER Ministry said that the mandate of the DONER Ministry is primarily to bring about development in states of the north east region. He said Arunachal Pradesh being the most backward of these states deserves a special dispensation owing to its vastness of the area, the hard terrain and the nature of its scattered habitations.
While apprising the issues that require urgent attention in the state, Chief Minister apprised the visitors that ALGs in Arunachal needs to be upgraded for civilian use. He reiterated that if infrastructural facilities of these ALGs are developed, will help boost tourism and hydropower investment.
Pul apprised the visitors that fund would be utilized on prioritized sectors on need basis and in critical service sectors like roads, health, education, electricity, water supply & sanitation, police, agri-horticulture and securing investments which are the thrust areas of the state govt.
He said to converge the planning process of the state govt and to synchronize it with that of the DONER Ministry. He suggested to draw up an Annual Calendar between the DONER Ministry and the GoAP for submission of DPRs, UCs and release of funds.
He impressed upon the visitors not to downsize the project estimate without consulting the State Government at the time of sanctioning the projects citing that the sudden and unilateral downsizing of the project estimate defeats the purpose for which project are proposed.
He apprised them that the state govt is expediting the submission of all UCs and all the departments were instructed to submit the UCs immediately as and when the project is completed with supporting photographs. However, he also made it known to them that there are few projects for which the balance funds have not been released despite submission of UCs in time and requested him to look into it. He also sought for additional funding of the uncompleted projects which are on verge of completion but could not be done so due to insufficient fund caused by cost escalation.
He re-affirm the visitors that his govt would strictly monitor the implementation of the project and assured that project would be implemented in letter and spirit.
Naveen Verma, IAS, Secretary, DONER Ministry informed the Chief Minister that Gove of India has earmarked Rs 92 Crore for the Arunachal Pradesh annually under DONER. He also informed that works upto Rs 119 Crores can be availed by Arunachal Pradesh under SIDF in Border Areas. He apprised the Chief Minister that the uncompleted projects can be handed over to Central govt to be taken up under NLCPR.
However, he made it clear to the state govt departments that the Detail Project Reports should reached to the DONER Ministry at Delhi latest by 31st May, so that the projects get sanctioned by the month of September.
He suggested the state govt to make use of Information Technology in project implementation process like e-tendering as well as Geotagging (using VSAT) for sending Utilization Certificates to the Ministry which will save times and can be done instantly. He further said the Ministry is willing to give training to officers at all level with regard to Pradhan Mantra Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).
The Secretary DONER further suggested to adopt Public Private Partnership Mode for Health Care System in the state. He also suggested to observe Horn Bill like Festival to attract more tourists in the state which would be financed under DONER Ministry and also to avail schemes under National Rural Livelihood Mission.
The meeting was also attended by BN Prasad, Director, DONER Ministry, Kamlung Mossang, Minister of WRD, Mines and Trade & Commerce, Paknga Bage, Parliamentary Secretary (Home), Ashish Kundra, Commissioner (Finance) and Joram Beda, Seceretary (Planning).