Women Helpline-181 marks Valentine’s Day with unique Marriage registration event

ITANAGAR- Today on the occasion of Valentine’s Day “A Love Promise Forever”, One Day Marriage Registration Camp was organized by Women Helpline-181 run by Oju Welfare Association (OWA) in collaboration with Arunachal Pradesh State Legal Services Authority (APSLSA).
The programme was held at OWA campus, located at Naharlagun. The programme was graced with the felicitation of APSLSA, Legal Aid Counsel, Ms. Raknu Konya , Advocate Techi Nech and Para Legal Volunteer Ms. Oman, followed by a short speech by Ms. Binny Yachu Project Manager Women Helpline-181, wherein she stated that many people are unaware about the importance of legal marriage and its benefit.
She further added that considering the rampant increase on reporting of women related cases viz.Domestic violence, maintenance claim, polygamy, property dispute etc.at Women Helpline-181 and furthermore to assist the distressed women the said camp was organized.
Ms. Raknu Konya, Legal Aid Counsel highlighted about the Act “The Arunachal Pradesh Recording of Marriage Act”2008 , she also addressed on the key factors of marriage registration and its benefits and gave free legal counselling on the spot. All together 40 plus couples got themselves registered during the camp which shall be processed further with Additional Registrar of Marriage. Team Women Helpline-181 aims at organizing more such programme so that it ease at making justice to all sections of the society.