
Science & Technology dept carried out inspection in Yomcha & Liromoba Circle


On-going project under department of Science & Technology inspected by the team of departmental officers led by Chairman Bamang Mangha in West Siang district.

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The team first visited and inspected the 100 KW Mini and Micro hydel project at Sirorijo under Yomcha Circle and find that the work is in slow progress and directed the executing agency to expedite the work progress so as to complete before March 2018  for commissioning.

Later the team visited Rikpu Ronya & Doko Putu village under Liromoba Circle and inspected two completed scheme of Improvement of Traditional water Mill which generate 3  KW of Power and also generate Rice mill.

After inspection Mangha along with his team of officer Joint Director Dr. Debajit Mahanta, Remote Sensing Jt. Director cum PI Liagi Tajo, Deputy Director Science & Technology (HQ) S. R. Khochey, Deputy Director (Technical) P Lombi, Project Scientist Dunyak Ado, Project Asstiant Kobi Potom, Project  Tadar Aku, JE Nitish Das & Toter Poyum accompany while inspection of the project ie, Two Water Mill and Agro forestry and also interacted with the villagers and Gram Panchayat Members.

Mangha while interacting the locals at Doko Putu village whatever projects have once taken up by the government should be beneficial for the people and local residents. Though the Traditional water mill is not covering larger area due to lack of inhabitants. However he requested the contractor and local residents to maintain the project for durability in the interest of the local.

Mangha while said that the Mini and Micro hydel at Sirorio of 100 KW was a part of central scheme are demo project of central government, if such scheme are successful then it would be recommended to centre for more such project for state,

Team also visited  the multi layers agro forestry scheme taken up in private land of Jartar Ronya at Doko Putu wherein different types of economic sustainability schemes will be taken up like fish culture, agri and horti culture including tree plantation would be taken up while the water for the said project would be through three sources of water through perennial source Koe krow, kome, mobiang kojak

Locals submitted a memorandum for restoration Dori 2 X100 KW at Doku Potu wherein the power channel was damaged during last torrential rain in the area requested the department to provide a operator at both Traditional Water Mill and MH Project while Mangha agreed to look into the matter and directed the Project Incharge  to start restoration work at the earliest.

Among other Chief Engineer Cum Chairman Disaster Management Tanya Ronya,  GSU President Binya Ronya, HGB Lidam Ronya and Bijum Ronya accompany the visitors.

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