
Talk on TRP Issue fails, SUMAA will takeout protest rally on Tuesday


The talk between the SUMAA (Student’s United Movement of All Arunachal Pradesh ) leaders and district administration of Capital Complex on the issue of Tibetan Rehabilitation  Policy had failed and SUMAA has decided to go ahead  and takeout a protest rally which includes checking of documents of private citizen without any Government authority.


The Government had invited the SUMAA  for talks in view of the proposed mass movement by them on 10.10.17 in the form of forceful eviction/ serving notice to people of Tibetan origin in protest against the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy within Itanagar Capital Complex.

During the talk, the Government assured that as and when the policy of the Tibetan Rehabilitation would be drafted, the views of all stakeholders would also be considered. Hence, the Government opened a peaceful dialogue with SUMAA. Unfortunately, SUMAA has refused to accept Govt’s offer.

Hence the District Magistrate Capital Complex  Prince Dhawan vide an order has termed the checking of any documents without authority as illegal as it may lead to harassment to the common public as any official documents cannot be checked by any private individual.

Further, district administration appeal  the denizens of Capital Complex are requested to not take part in any such illegal rallies.

The DM also stressed that law and order has to be maintained under all circumstances by everyone. All associations can take up any issue but within the parameters of law and without harassing peaceful and law abiding residents and without creating any breach of public law and order. Only a peaceful society can march towards development and progress.


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