Itanagar- 100 Digi Dhan Mela Concludes

As part with the rest of the country, the culmination event for the 100 Digi Dhan Mela’s across India was duly celebrated on Friday, at the State Banquet Hall, Itanagar by the Department of Information Technology and Communication in collaboration with NIC and the District Administration, Capital Complex.
The Secretary, IT & Communication, Shri Sonam Chombay, welcomed all participants which included students, market traders and merchants, various banks and representatives, market welfare associations and the Commissioners and Secretaries of the various departments of the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Digi Dhan Mela’s is an initiative of Niti Ayog, the Govt of India to promote cashless payments and online financial transactions throughout the nation.
Speaking on the occasion as the Guest of Honour, Shri Gabriel D. Wangsu, Chairman, State Council for IT & e-Governance, spoke about the benefits of cashless transactions and how it can curb corruption and lead to an accountable and transparent society which benefits the State and the nation as a whole.
Shri Prince Dhawan, Special Secretary, IT also reiterated the message of encouraging and supporting cashless transactions throughout the State especially requesting the market welfare associations to spread awareness and take forward the initiative on all fronts.
Smti. Shakuntala Gamlin, Chief Secretary also spoke about the importance of financial literacy and digital financial inclusion for all sections of the society. She also emphasized the role of bankers who played an important part in such endeavours. She also advocated that the benefit of cashless transactions should reach out to the farmers and rural populace for online trading of their products.
Earlier speaking on the occasion as the Chief Guest, Shri Nabam Rebia, Hon’ble Minister, UD, Town Planning, ULB, Law and Justice, invoked the role of B.R. Ambedkar who brought sweeping social reforms and aptly categorizing the IT revolution as another such sweeping reform, appreciated the importance of celebrating the Digi Dhan Mela concluding event on his anniversary, i.e. Ambedkar Jayanti.
The occasion also marked the signing of the Data Digitization MoU between the Department of IT & Communications with Ms. PN Writer’s, which is a NICSI empanelled vendor of the Govt. of India. Also, there was the launch of the centralized management system for Audit & Pensions department as an e-Service, under which the pensioner’s can track the status of their PPO/CPO/GPO online.
The various contest winners of the Digi Dhan Mela quizzes, debates and visual slogan as also, the recognition certificates for promotion of cashless transactions to the various banks and merchants were distributed and felicitated during the event.
Finally, the national telecast of the Prime Minister’s address from Nagpur was also broadcast live during the event. The event ended with a vote of thanks to all participants, stakeholders and seniors by Shri Prince Dhawan, Special Secretary, IT.