
Arunachal: Tourism Awareness & Training Workshop held at Longding

LONGDING-  A Two day awareness cum training program under the theme ‘Tourism and Heritage,  Weaving new hopes for Longding and Tirap was started  in Longding on 9th September, 2022 by Directorate of Tourism, Government of Arunachal Pradesh was concluded on 10th September, 2022 at Longding and filed visits were carried out today on 11 September. The team consisted of Abu Tayeng Director Tourism, Mrs Bengia Manna Sonam, Deputy Director, Tourism, Raj Basu, Rural Tourism Adviser, Eileen Lowangcha TIO and Tour operators from Arunachal and Assam.
The inaugural program was held on 09/09/22, where Abu Tayeng, Director Department of Tourism, congratulated the district for being included in the MHA approved Tourist circuit. Speaking at the inaugural session he said that “Longding and Tirap is an open canvas, we should learn from the experiences and best practice of the other district and bring out a model Tourism vision. He requested the District Administration to identify the tourism assets- cultural traditional, natural etc- and work towards preservation of the same. He also said the department will be arranging Training of Human resource of the district. He also said that the trainees will be updated about the programmes  and schemes under the Department.
DTO in charge Nyatum Doke highlighted the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats in the district with reference to tourism sector. He said that there is a need to ponder on the ways to balance aspirations of modernity and need to preserve tradition. He also said the intensive tour of the entire district will be carried out soon to identify the potential tourist spots in the district.
Raj Basu, the Rural tourism Adviser while speaking at the occasion highlighted said “our unique tradition and culture is our USP we must protect and preserve it”. He also talked about the need to promote sustainable tourism by involving the local stakeholders.
The Chief Guest, DC Bani Lego while speaking at occasion appreciated the efforts of the Directorate of Tourism for their prompt initiative after the Circuit was declared. He highlighted that Longding is one of the most beautiful places in the eastern Arunachal which if marketed and developed properly can become a tourism hub.  He urged the people of Longding to be hospitable and welcoming to the tourist that visits the district.
After the inaugural program the training session started with the group activities, as a part of training Mass awareness on tourism were organized by the resource person- where discussion and practical on various aspects related to rural tourism and Homestays were organised.
On the second day, practical details about homestay hospitality with hands-on training were organized. Also, a group of resource person led by the Bengia Manna Sonam, Deputy Director Toursim visited Govt Higher secondary school Longding and organized awareness program on tourism and its scope for students of Class XII. She briefed about various courses available under the Chief Minister Prayatan Siksha Yojana for the students. A quiz competition was also organized and prizes were distributed among the students. Also, a competition for WTD was announced by her to be coordinated by the DTO Incharge.
As a part of the Two day visit, they also went for site recce at Longkaw and Pongchau village. Today, On the 11th of September, 2022, Wakka Village, where they interacted with the local people. This was followed up by a summing up meeting where a action and follow up plan was made.
The team then left for Khonsa in the late afternoon.

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