Tedir said,” To re-vamp the education scenario in the state, I consider the inputs and feed backs from the teachers serving at the grassroots level
Minister Education, Cultural and Indigenous Affairs Taba Tedir reviewed the education scenario of the Lower Subansiri District today at Abotani Hall, Hapoli.
Addressing the gathering Tedir said,” To re-vamp the education scenario in the state, I consider the inputs and feed backs from the teachers serving at the grassroot level is important to form policies and programs for the education sector. This review meeting aims not just to review the performance of the District, but also to involve all of you in the policy making process.”
Acknowledging the matter of delayed salaries of SSA and RMSA teachers, the minister assured that concrete steps are being initiated to regularise the payments. He further informed that once the authenticated lists are received from the respective DDSEs 400 posts for regularising SSA teachers shall be finalised.
“The Department shall strictly implement the no out of turn promotions, “ He asserted, while advising all the eligible members for DPC to submit their ACRs on time.
Touching upon the transfer and posting of teachers, he said,” Transfers shall be processed only through proper channel. Applications for transfers shall be entertained only during the end of the academic session. Once the APSC declares the results of teacher’s interview, teachers shall be rationally posted to all schools,” he added.
Tage Taki, Minister Agriculture and Horticulture Veterinary and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development while speaking on the occasion suggested for de-centralizing uniform funds to Headmasters, withdrawal of teachers from zero enrolment schools and posting them to regular schools, making NCC mandatory for secondary and higher secondary schools to inculcate discipline and patriotism, appointing school inspectors under the direct control of the Director to monitor schools and conducting regular DPCs to motivate the teachers.
Expressing concern on haphazard construction of school infrastructures, which he termed as ‘minus development’ he asked all the principals and headmasters to submit a master plan of all schools countersigned by DC and DDSE to his office for further perusal.
Director Elementary school education, Tapi Gao directed all the headmasters to procure a permanent SIM against their schools for better coordination of welfare schemes like Mid day meal.
“ AADHAAR kits shall be provided to every CD block by the education department to increase AADHAAR enrolment of students and remove ambiguities in stipend and scholarship disbursement, “ He further added.
Director Secondary Education G.Laji and shri Gombu Tsering ,DC i/c also spoke on the occasion.
The members of School Management Committees presented ground zero report of their schools. Shortage of teachers and infrastructural gaps were highlighted by the speakers.
They also suggested methods to improve the enrolment and performance of the students of government schools.
Earlier DDSE shri Hibu Tama in his keynote address, dealt in length about the education scenario in the district and measures to mitigate issues arising in the schools.
Later smartphones were distributed to Class XII girl students of 2017-18 batch. Principals, Headmasters teachers from across the district participated in the review meeting.