
Arunachal: Scuffle reported between army and civilian at road blockade in Jameri

Jameri-  A minor scuffle reportedly broke out between the Indian Army and civilian at Jameri in West Kameng district on Saturday morning.

A reliable sources from Bomdila informed that the scuffle broke out between civilians and the Army when an official from the Jameri went to oversee the progress of road clearance at the blockade due to massive landslide days.

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An argument reportedly broke out during an enquiry about the earthmovers and other machine, which led to a scuffle between the official and GREF personnel.

The said staff had reportedly gone to oversee the work progress because many vehicles and people were stranded at Tenga who were agitating. Another source informed.

Allegedly, the GREF personnel informed the Army personnel stationed nearby, who rushed to the spot and started beating the civilians. As per local alleged,  the sources said.

Later, the district administration intervened and brought the situation under control. However any Indian Army or GREEF officials could not be contacted.

Meanwhile, West Kameng Deputy Commissioner Karma Leki inform that “It was a minor misunderstanding between GREF and civilians over road blockade clearance issue at 35 charai near Jameri and Army intervention was there”.

Road between 0 point to Tenga block at many points since yesterday due to heavy rainfall and resultant landslide”. DC said in a message to this correspondent.

Many vehicles are stranded since yesterday and civilians agitated over delay in block clearance. Situation is now under control. DC added.

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