Arunachal: Insurgency problem in TCL is one of the most complex maladies- Bosai

The insurgency problem in Tirap, Changlang and Longding ( TCL ) districts is one of the most complex maladies. Mere rhetoric, sporadic dharnas, big talks and sloganeering will not pay any tangible dividend- Denhang Bosai
By Denhang Bosai , Dy Director, IPR, Arunachal Pradesh
While appreciating the attempt being made by the AAPSU to address the insurgency imbroglio in TCL, we must also be aware that the insurgency problem in those three districts is one of the most complex maladies. Mere rhetoric, sporadic dharnas, big talks and sloganeering will not pay any tangible dividend.
The insurgents who called themselves as ‘freedom fighters’ are armed to the teeth and are highly indoctrinated who can go to any extent to protect and propagate their inherent ideologies planted before India’s independence by the leaders of the organisation. Even the mighty Indian army has failed to cow them down.
My advice to those who are indeed serious about taking the issue to a logical conclusion:
1. Please refrain from holding dharnas and processions. They are a sheer wastage of time.
2. Please visit TCL and meet the villages to get first hand information on the issue. Camp there. See for yourselves the actual problems the common people face.
3. Vist Hebron in Nagaland, the HQs of NSCN. Talk to the collective leadership there.
4. Go to Delhi and meet their top leaders and place your grievances before them. Meet the Interlocutor who is moderating and overseeing the peace talk between GOI and NSCN.
5. Meet NSF and Manipur Students’ Union. Take NESO along to take the talk further.
6. Making noises at Itanagar by holding dharnas will serve no purpose.
7. Be consistent. Don’t take too many issues at a time only to leave all the issues unaddressed at the end of the day.
8. If AAPSU is serious and keen to bring peace in TCL and Arunachal then let this insurgency issue be the single agenda to pursue vigorously till a solution is at sight.
I repeat, please don’t embark on any issue only to draw attention and make newspaper headlines. Be pragmatic and realistic in your approach. The TCL and Arunachal will collectively bless you if you can bring about a semblance of solution.
writer is Dy Director, IPR, Arunachal Pradesh