
Arunachal: Governor expresses grief over landslides at Tigdo and Modi Rizo

Itanagar-  The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B. D. Mishra (Retd.) has expressed his shock and sadness at the loss of lives in the tragic incidences of landslides at Tigdo and Modi Rizo, triggered by heavy downpour in the area.

The Governor has also expressed his agony over the loss of properties, both private and public. The damages caused to the vital roads and other means of communication due to the heavy rainfall in different parts of the State is a matter of great concern for all which must be repaired as soon as possible.


Condoling the tragic losses, the Governor has appealed to the people to exercise maximum alertness and take all necessary precautions as the State is experiencing unusual torrential rainfall this time.

The Governor has directed the State Government and the District Administrations to issue necessary advisory to the people living in all such landslide and flood prone areas as also rush all possible succours to the affected people at the earliest and in equal measures and by efficient and probity exercised dispensation.


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