Arunachal: Governor addresses the annual conference of State Police
The Governor complimented the State Police for desirable changes in its interface, leadership and coordination in the recent past.

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.) addressed the annual conference of Superintendents of Police of Arunachal Pradesh Police and Commandants of Arunachal Pradesh Police Battalions and Indian Reserve Battalions at Police Headquarters, Itanagar on 9th February 2020.
The Governor complimented the State Police for desirable changes in its interface, leadership and coordination in the recent past. He also praised the Force for its recent successful Police operations.
The Governor emphasized that the police has to be fair, prompt and determined, demonstrate fairness, promptness and determination and win the trust of people by transparency, honesty and accountability. He advised the Force to recall the ideal and vision of the Force, when in doubt and help the poor and weak.
Cautioning on vulnerability of boys, girls and women in the orphanages and shelters houses, the Governor advised them to take suo moto action and carry out proper checking. He also advised the SPs to take due cognizance of the heinous crimes and initiate appropriate remedial measures.
The Governor expressed his concerns on the Inter-State issues and called upon the SPs to convene regular meetings amongst the organizations and bring those issues to logical end. The Police personnel must be positive in their approach and maintain peace and tranquillity within their jurisdiction.
Stating the most important person in the Police Force is the constable in the beat, the Governor said that he or she should be properly trained, empowered, enabled, motivated and made responsible to ensure safe, secured and developed society. He further said that science has given many types of equipment for policing but it can never replace the constable and therefore they must be strengthened.
Appreciating the State Government for the transfer and posting policy in the Education Department, the Governor suggested the Police Department to review ‘Home Police Station’ postings, which he termed as practicable, possible and will be in public interest. He stressed on better coordination between the Police Force and other security forces stationed in the State to reinforce the confidence amongst the people on them.
Reiterating the special power of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh under Article 371 (h), the Governor said that he has special responsibility with respected to law and other in the State. He stressed the need for transparent recruitment, effective training, police reforms in equipment, weapon and Communication means, conducive political ambience and rank, command and control integration. He also suggested for synergy of effort amongst the security forces and promoting Good Police work.
The Governor suggested for remedial measures, to control insurgency in a democratic set up, which includes, good developmental policies and programmes, work opportunities and job creation, e.g. ‘Start-up’ policy, entrepreneurship development schemes, ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ oriented political leadership, good intelligence, good policing, effective local administration, quick and fair justice, transparency and honesty in governance, good roads and good communication network, proper education and counter insurgency operation.
Arunachal Pradesh State Director General of Police R, P. Upadhyaya briefed the Governor about the two-day conference of SPs and COs on the occasion.
Superintendents of Police of Arunachal Pradesh Police from all the Districts and Police Headquarters, and Commandants of Arunachal Pradesh Police Battalions and Indian Reserve Battalions were present on the occasion.
Earlier, a Guard of Honour was presented to the Governor on his maiden visit to the Police Headquarters.