Arunachal: Dree Festival celebrated at Itanagar Capital Complex

ITANAGAR- Every year on 4th and 5th July the Apatanis dwellers of Capital Complex Itanagar and Naharlagun celebrates Dree festival in pomp and show, but this year keeping in view with the rising of Covid 19 cases and in compliance with the latest SOPs the Capital Complex Dree Festival Celebration Committee-2021 has celebrated Dree in a very limited manner at Dree Ground, Papu Nallah, Naharlagun.
All the Dree activities like sports, culture, food stall and exhibitions were cancelled and only Dree rituals were performed on 4th July, 2021 for seeking blessing from agriculture deities for prosperity and bumper harvesting and warding off the famine sprites.
Therefore keeping in view with the Covid 19 pandemic a large number of Apatani priest participated to seek blessing from almighty deities to end the pandemic and bless the human community, informed General Secretary Taniyang Tatung, CCDFC-2021.
On 5th July, the Executive members of CCDFCC-2021 kicked off the celebration by unfurling the Dree flag by Millo Pushang, Chairman, CCDFCC’21 come chief guest of the programme which was followed by Dree Anthem.
In a very befitting manner the Dree committee distributed the prizes to winners of Mr. Jompu to Mr. Kime Taro (Itanagar) and Dusu Tarung (Naharlagun) respectively, best social worker to Talynag Tade (senior) and Hage Taji (youth) and of badminton winners which were held in the month of March, 2021.
Apart from this audio album containing various dance songs like Daminda, Pakhu Itu, and Mega Dance were released by Michi Pakhu, IPS and Dree Souvenir entitled Rediscovering the vanishing cultures of the Apatanis was released by R.N. Koley, OSD (Publication).
Millo Pushang, Chairman come Chief Guest, in his address he emphasis on the significance of the rich material and cultural legacies left by our forefathers and we must emphasis on its preservation, documentation, consolidating, uplifting the traditional culture and moral values bestowed by them and it should be disseminate to emerging generation so that they should remain strong to their roots.
Takhe Kani, Vice-Chairman, CCDFCC-2021 briefed about the mythological aspect of Dree celebration and narrated how modern Dree celebration started in Ziro and various contributions made by many important personalities of Apatanis.
R.N. Koley, praised the Apatanis for their advance nature, systematic land-use practises and rich traditional ecological knowledge natural resources management and conservation.
The Dree celebration concluded with the declaration of winners of Dree Gift Coupon Drawl for members and well-wishers.