Arunachal: Civil-Army Joint Religious trek to ATHU-POPU flagged off
The ATHU-POPU is a sacred place for the Idu Mishmi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. This holy place is situated nearly about 220 Kms away from Anini via Malinye near the border to China at an elevation of 3500 Meters from the sea level.

ANINI- In an impressive flag-off ceremony organized by the Indian Army, the Brig. Deepak Gaur, Cdr. 117 Mountain Brigade and Minga Sherpa, Deputy Commissioner, Anini flagged off the Civil-Army Joint Religious trek to ATHU -POPU in presence of the Officers and the Indian Army.
This 17 days long joint trek to ATHU-POPU shall be led by the Everester Smti Tine Mena with the members from the Dibang Adventures.
The ATHU-POPU is a sacred place for the Idu Mishmi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. This holy place is situated nearly about 220 Kms away from Anini via Malinye near the border to China at an elevation of 3500 Meters from the sea level.
According to the mythology of Idu Mishmi tribe the souls of the ancestors live in ATHU-POPU and after ones death even their souls are guided to ATHU-POPU by the Igus (Priest/shaman).
At this sacred place a big mass of stone stands alone, and it is believed that the pnest SINERWU once cried on this scared stone on getting the news of his mother’s death.
The stone still bears the impression of the priest’s palms and his tears, as believed. There is also a wild paddy field near ATHU-POPU, believed to be cultivated by the departed souls.”