Arunachal Cabinet takes decision for APPSC reforms

ITANAGAR – The State Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Pema Khandu today took the decisions to bring reforms in Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) and Health department .
The cabinet has also decide to constitute a high-level Ministerial Committee to examine and to study the Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) requirement for appearing in exams conducted by Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC).
The Committee will examine various aspects of the matter including the practice of PRC being made mandatory by other States including Mizoram, Manipur Nagaland etc. The Committee will also consider previous report(s) submitted to the Government in the matter and give its recommendations in a time-bound manner.
Regional Topics pertaining to Arunachal Pradesh in specific and North East India in general shall be compulsorily included in the Syllabus of competitive exams conducted in the State.
Grievance redressal mechanism shall be strengthened in APPSC for which regulations (pertaining to constitution of a permanent body and timelines for disposal of grievances) shall be framed.
The provisions regarding marks in various subjects and number of persons to be called for interview shall be amended and will be aligned in accordance with prevailing rules governing the selection by UPSC. AR Department shall take steps to amend the existing OM dated 10th June 2022.
AR Department shall study the practice in UPSC etc. regarding providing information in respect of (i) marks obtained for each question and (ii) marks obtained by third party.
For appointment of Chairman and Members for the APPSC, the cabinet decided that the provisions of article 316 of the Constitution will be followed.
The State Cabinet also approved for “Restructuring of Health Facilities in the State vis-à-vis Indian Public Health Standards Guidelines and Human Resource distribution as per IPHS norms to these categories of Health facilities.”
Cabinet also approved developing a State HR Index and Transfer Policy linked to IPHS norms to move towards the rational deployment of Health Human Resource in the State.
The Cabinet was briefed on the decisions and deliberations of the first ever National Conference on Chief Secretaries by Prime Minister in Himachal Pradesh. The Chief Minister instructed all Ministers to hold meeting every week with their respective Commissioners and Secretaries to carry forward the agenda of the conference.