The Bhalukpong-Charduar-Tawang (BCT) road will remain closed for all vehicular movement from 19 to 28 July due to massive landslide along the stretch of the road.
West Kameng Deputy Commissioner Dr Sonal Swaroop has issued a notice to halt vehicular movement following a report from the Commander, 14 Border Roads Task Force (BRTF) that frequent rains and resultant loosened soil have caused massive landslides in certain critical landslide prone areas of the BCT road.
It is also reported that there is apprehension of risk of life and safety of the commuters on the BCT road in the present weather and road conditions.
The CO of 14 BRTF has been entrusted to ensure restoration of the road with utmost priority.
Police check posts at Bhalukpong and Nag Mandir have also been instructed to strictly comply with the directions and regulate traffic accordingly. The DC’s office warned that any violation of the order shall be dealt as per law.