
Arunachal: Alo Libang visits Boasimla PHC

BOASIMLA- The Health Minister Alo Libang alongwith senior officers of health department including Director Dr. M Lego and others visited the PHC at Boasimla township of Kamle district today afternoon.

DRCHO Kamle Dr. Kapu Sopin brief the health Minister of the difficulties and lack of infrastructure and equipment and need of repairing and maintenance of PHC Boasimla immediately.


Libang while interacting the officers and officials of health department said that whatever infrastructure available should be properly utilized. The available infrastructure need to be kept properly with proper maintenance and repainting.

He directed the Director Health take care of such PHC and placed a report before him for further discussion and consideration.

He apprise the government priority in health sector and urge upon the officer, official and health workers to carryout all programm of health related activities in most effective way as a service to humanity.


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