Arunachal: AICTE appoints AUS as it’s first NEEM Facilitator of the Northeast Region.

NAMSAI: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) appoints Arunachal University of Studies as its first National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM) Facilitator of the Northeast Region.
The NEEM Scheme [i]has instituted AUS as the registered NEEM facilitator for providing On Job Training (OJT)/practical training to less privileged youth by the active collaboration of Industry by preparing them to be capable enough to find subsequent employment post completion of the training tenure successfully. This pioneering venture is to not just provide OJT to students but also counter the issues with respect to skilled labour scarcity in India. Under the NEEM scheme, every candidate shall be given stipend for the willingness to study under the initiative.
Chairman Dr Ashwani Lochan says – “The core establishment of NEEM is to provide employability to the underprivileged sections of the country. AUS becoming the NEEM Facilitator is the foundation to upgrade that sector not just in Arunachal Pradesh but the entire NE region slowly. It is a huge responsibility. This shall be taken with sincere efforts as AUS has been preparing for this role since a very long time. Whatever are the challenges and constraints that are to come while operating the scheme, AUS is prepared for it as we have the resources and statistics to help the government of India make Arunachal Pradesh better and emerging in every shape and form.”
The University always had a vision in creating an ecosystem that would bring back the dignity of labour in all profession by creating sustainable sources of the wage for every deserving youth in this country. AUS stands in pride in becoming part of the reputed NEEM scheme under the Government of India and looks forward in training work force in Arunachal Pradesh as per the requirements, ensuring that they get absorbed in the industry based on their skills.
Namsai alone caters to nearly 12 important districts of eastern Arunachal Pradesh which covers around 50% area and 55% population of the state. AUS is the only University available to cater to the higher education needs of the eastern part of the country. Despite the geographical distances, the people of the region are aware of the University and its programmes offered. In addition, ever since the university’s establishment, a distinctive impart of quality education for the youth including marginalized sections of the society has been witnessed. Therefore AUS objective now looks forward in encouraging the underprivileged youth (irrespective of gender, caste, religion, region, creed, and socio-economical) to grab apprenticeship based on respective preferences to improve their skills and get jobs in the sector.
AUS has always been the forefront On Job Training provider in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Earlier, University-Industry Inter-Linkage Centre (UILC) was launched in the year 2014 under the Faculty of Skill Development and Vocational Studies following the University Grants Commission (UGC) communication vide reference D.O. No.F.1-14/2015 (CPP-II). The sole purpose of UILC was to offer practical and on the job training to enhance the industrial absorption of the youth of the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Arunachal Pradesh due to its geographic conditions poses has one of the toughest challenges of the country with respect to growth. Lack of industry, basic infrastructure, feasibility, connectivity etc. is just a few of the constraints that need to be tackled immediately. However, despite all the laybacks, Arunachal Pradesh has enormous potential in tourism, healthcare services, education/skill development, handloom & handicrafts, food processing etc. and AUS desperately wishes to change the overall employment pattern of the state. AUS knows and thoroughly believes that only employment through skills can increase the capital and overall structure of the nation. AUS shall now provide immediate and definite interventions to improve the skill level of the youth, through appropriate pedagogy under Vocational and Skill Development training programmes and looks forward for the implementation with excitement.
Vice Chancellor Prof O.P Sharma quotes – “This is an exciting time for AUS being the NEEM Facilitator as providing hands-on skills and work experience is what AUS teaching methodology as always been. Besides this, the NEEM scheme is the first step towards curbing all the issues under the employment prospects. Students are going to receive a nationally recognised qualification, which is going to improve their standard of living for a rewarding future. AUS is honoured to be a part of such a noble programme.”
NEEM Scheme is a part of AICTE efforts where the government body exercises its power of under subsection 1 of section 23, Read with section 10 of the AICTE act of 1987, (52 of 1987), with certain regulations offers practical on-job training to students pursing graduation and diploma.