The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Arunachal Pradesh unit concluded it’s 5th State Conference after a 3 days consecutive program at Himalayan University, Jollang here on Sunday.
The State Conference was held remembering ‘Veer Neelam Tebi’, ‘Veer Jaswant Singh’, ‘ ‘Veer Hangpan Dada’. Nearly 800 students participated from across the state including different academicians and ABVP commemorated.
Two resolution “Ensure quality Education in Arunachal Pradesh” and “Make Arunachal Pradesh a drug free state”, passed in this conference , which will be submitted to State Government to make assistance in policy making for the same.
A parallel session was set on different topic like ‘inspiring role model session’, ‘tribal harmony’, ‘preservation and protection of local language’, ‘students role in social changes’, ‘digital detox’ by as a resource person Professor Tana Showren, Nang Ekthani Mounglang, Dr. Market Singh and National Media Incharge Saket Bahuguna which was highly beneficial to the young students participated from the corner of state.
The first day of conference was started by inaugurating the Exhibition Stall which was named of ‘Veer Jaswant Singh’ Stall by Dr. Tojam Lollen, DDHS (PH) Cum Nodal Officer.
And the flag hoisting ceremony was conducted by State President Agin Taboh and State Secretary Jakap Lukham followed by the program of presentation of State Secretary Report and Election of New Executive Member for next tenure. And both elected again.
Inauguration session was inaugurated by Chief Minister Pema Khandu with the presence of ABVP National Joint Organising Secretary as Chief Guest Shri Niwasji, State President and host of dignitaries. The second day which witness a cultural rally from zero pint Tinali to Ganga followed a huge public meeting.
Reception Committee Chairman Er. Tana Nikam, Reception Committee General Secretary Nyanya Gollo, Capital Complex President Tara Dajum and Capital Complex Joint Secretary Darei Tadar were present all three day function and coordinated the programme successfully.