
A Chat with Arunachal Pradesh’s BJP president Tapir Gao

Tapir Gao, President, Arunachal Pradesh


By Manzar Alam,  Founder Editor

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The people of Arunachal Pradesh have now understood that their development is only through BJP, claims BJP president of arunachal Pradesh Tapir Gao. During a chat  with Tapir Gao said that  “after the results of UP assembly election many people who were earlier hesitating  to join BJP have reformation in their thoughts. An inclination towards BJP is seen. 

Here are some excerpts from the conversation with Tapir Gao.

What is the impact of the results of UP Assembly Elections in Arunachal?

The people of arunachal Pradesh are now understand  that no other party other than BJP can work for their upliftment. So many other party workers and leaders are joining BJP. Those who were in dilemma are now feeling secure with BJP.

Do you agree that, though BJP has formed govt in Arunachal, but the position of the party is still not strong enough in the state?  

The party is making itself strong in Arunachal. Camps are being conducted in many villages. Elderly Villagers, panchayat leaders and party workers are joining BJP. We desire to have party workers and leaders in every corner of Arunachal Pradesh within few months. Then the condition of our party will grow stronger.

In social media the people of Arunachal divide BJP into two section  “Old BJP” and “New BJP”. How you solve this problem?

This is natural. As in large number congress legislators have joined BJP, which was unimaginable. And not even in the thoughts of  the people of Arunachal Pradesh. To meet the solution to this problem a conference is to be held at Itanagar. Leaders and workers from every corner to Arunachal will participate in this conference.  And our central leaders will  explain them the Party’s Ideologies. I think when the leaders and workers will sit to gather in this conference after that the  “old BJP” and “new BJP” issue will resolve.

How well the party and the govt is coordinated for the development of state?

In BJP, party and govt are separate, there is no interference between the two.  but I do meet the chief minister on my level. I often speak to the ministers and the MLAs. I am also well connected to the grass root worker an people so that they are made aware of the developmental work in time.

My last question is different from the usual, A news is roaming that the Congress leader and former Chief Minister  Nabam Tuki  may join BJP, is it true?

I am not aware of this.  First time i am listening from you only. Nabam Tuki is a good leader. But there is no such discussion with me or my party leader about this matter.

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