
Arunachal: Damaged Ledum Water Supply Project restored with the help of Bilat youths

Pasighat:( By Maksam Tayeng )- The lone water supply project for the entire 37th Assembly Constituency which feeds drinking water supply to Bilat Circle, Sille-Oyan Circle and Ruksin ADC HQ under East Siang District that was badly damaged on the night of 29th July 2020 due to sudden cloudburst at the catchment area was somehow restored on Sunday with the joint effort of youths and villagers of Bilat, informed PHE & WS department, Pasighat Division today.

The intensity of damage to the Ledum Water Supply Project restoration of which was supposed to take many days has been successfully restored yesterday evening on Sunday from temporary headwork, informed Tadung Padung, Assistant Engineer PHE & WS while praying for the rain God for His mercy and added that it was completely a temporary work, the people of 37-Assembly Constituency would suffer the same in future unless a new structure (Headwork) is constructed at a safer location.


Padung also informed that all together 70 Youths from Bilat area under East Siang District have voluntarily joined with the department which led to the completion of the restoration work before its anticipated time.

While extending the department’s heartfelt thanks to the youths of the Bilat area for rendering a helping hand to the PHE & WS department that inspired the value of community participation, Er. Padung further added that such a self motivating act deserves a big applause from all corners.


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